Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bistrita Bound.

(My team has a team blog, but we're not really using it yet. Until then my posts will all be here. Once the team blog is more active, I'll be posting there and transferring those posts to this blog as well. I'll share the link to the team blog when the time comes!)

120 days. One hundred twenty days.
The more I say it the more unreal it seems. In 120 days, exactly four months from today, I'm going to be in Romania.

This time last year, had someone told me that I would be in the midst of fund raising and preparing to spend a month for Christ in Romania, I would have literally laughed in their face. It is a long, messy story but it is no secret to anyone that the past year has not been an easy one for me.
I felt at one point like my existence was truly insignificant, as if I were here solely to serve as an emotional punching bag to those around me. My life has done a complete 180 in the past few months, and this upcoming trip is truly a sign of what an amazing, merciful, loving God I serve. He truly is a God of miracles, who takes even the most broken spirit and pieces it back together to work for his glory and help those around them.

I'm far from perfect and completely prepared. I have lots of spiritual, physical, emotional (and not to mention financial) preparation to go before I depart for the beautiful country of Romania this June. However I know that the next four months will be filled with all of those things and through God's infinite love and grace, I will be beyond prepared to minister to the beautiful Roma people.

Days until Romania: 120.
Funds raised: $1,710 out of $4,350.